Sunday, June 21, 2020

Do you wanna ride....
with me?

I spent a few days in the aftermath of a very public post as the result of extremely human emotions. It created a lot of chatter and a little bit of flounce.

Excuse me for my very human moment?

You see, I'm human.  I have these moments from time to time.  Moments when I'm not my best and don't act the way I would like to.
Have I mentioned the human part?

A while back, I was talking about my life.  I mentioned the different areas that I had lived and some of the things I had done.

"You've lived a very interesting life."
Actually, yes.  I have.  Its been interesting.  It has been full of life, experience, and emotion.  I've been on the peak of the mountain and in the depths of the valleys.   Near and far, north and south, in one year I went from being in a private jet to being on medicaid and not knowing where the next meal would come from.  I've lived life at the very summit of wealth to the depths of poverty and no electricity.
I get it.  Wherever you are in life, I get it.

Do you wanna ride....
with me?

So, as I was pondering the flounciness of people on the internet, some of them wanting to be my friend yet bounce at the first sign of emotion, I realized how flaky so many people are.  So many want to be there for the sunlight.  So many want to see the gold, to spot the sparkle, to bask in your aura.
That's not life.  That's not my life.  I have sunshine a lot.  If you put your gorgeous flowers in the sun every single day, they'd wilt without rain.  The thunderstorms of life, the human emotion that can be so beautiful, eventually part and become rainbows in the sun.

Life is like that, you know?  As I was pondering that thought, a Jay-Z song from Kingdom Come kept playing in my head.  Do you wanna ride with me?  That's it!  Are you my friend?  Are you going to ride with me?  Are you in this because you like the sunshine or can you weather the storms?

So, I ask:
Do you wanna ride with me?

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